
connects GedCom files with the semantic web

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Does dbPedia have resources in my language?

Try the mashup query dbpediaLanguages.arq Note that not all can be queried directly.

What properties are commonly available in third party resources?

Try the mashup queries:

  • geonamesProperties.arq
  • geonamesRelatedEntities.arq
  • dbpediaRelatedEntities.arq
  • dbpediaProperties.arq

Skipping xxx.arq: Lexical error at line 1, column 2. Encountered: “\u00bb” (187), after : “\u00ef”

You probably saved the arq file as an UTF-8 with a byte-order-mark. Typically Window’s NotePad adds that BOM when you choose to save as UTF-8. Normaly these bytes do not show, but with the command “type” in a command window, they show up as funny characters. Search the web how to strip the BOM.