
connects GedCom files with the semantic web

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The library might or might not be plugged into your favorite genealogical-application. But as long as you have your family data available in a gedcom file, you can always use the library on a command line.

The ovals in the diagram on the overview page represent the main classes of the library that can be executed from a command line. Below a partial example of such a command line. Replace the dots (…) with the files from the same diagram. Put the output file last; the order of rule files is significant: they may need the results of a previous one.

See also the notes on the configuration files.

java -Xmx1024M -cp unzipped/gedcom2sem-XXX.jar gedcom2sem.semweb.Select ...

The downloads provide complete examples in their roots, the contents of the zip and the tar.gz are identical. The bat files are for Windows: simply double-click them. The sh files are for Mac/Unix: open a terminal, go to the directory with the unpacked sh files, assign execute rigths (chmod +x *.sh) and run a command (for example: ./ On both platforms you can merge and adjust the files with a plain text editor. Thus you can configure the output you want with the input you have.

See also these examples expressed in java JUnit tests.