
connects GedCom files with the semantic web

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In the snapshots below, the map and reports on top are generated by this library.

In the center a preconfigured query for reports.

At the right bottom sits a toddler version of the LOD-cloud: The fragment highlights some interesting data to combine with your family tree, a filtered list is available at the datahub

At the left bottom a short LodLive demonstration. It illustrates the possibility to traverse through different family trees (and thus generate a single report) without merging GedCom files. Start with a French page on JFK, follow the link to the same page in the English dbpedia (read: another family tree) and subsequently follow spouse and children.

Get started:

  • prerequisites: java, for example from AdoptOpenJDK
  • download the last gedcom2sem release and unzip
  • on windows
    • open a command prompt
    • cd into the unzipped directory
    • run convert.bat to create the file kennedy.ttl, it is needed by the next commands
    • kml.bat creates kennedy.kml, show it with a kml-viewer
    • html-report.bat creates kennedy-age-diffs.html which you can view with a browser
  • Mac/*nix users need to fix a bug in the *.sh files:
    • delete -SNAPSHOT from -cp gedcom2sem-0.2.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
    • otherwise the same story as with the *.bat files on windows

Replace the *.ged file in these single line command files with your own file. For the sake of the example geoNamesCache.ttl and geoMashup.rules only contain the places for the JFK family tree. For your own kml output you will have to extend both for your own family. Examine the developers overview, BatchExamples and other documentation in the sidebar links for further possibilities or build from source.